Sunday, October 16, 2005

Flash Gordon

So I was up at Walmart and picked up 2 dvd's in the $1 discount bin, each had 3 episodes of the 1950's classic Flash Gordon, Campy Sci-Fi at it's best... Just look at the evil super villians. akim the Terrible isn't terrible for only one reason. Very much worth the $1 for 3 shows.

Lookin around at various jobs and who knows where I may end up. Hopefully in Atlantic Canada. But it seems like everyone else took off to Montreal, that might be a fun place to go, lots of game stores there. At least we finally got one in Antigonish, the town has definetly gotten a lot better since I came here, esp with a staples and a wal-mart now. I will soon have to take weird pics of the town, maybe even take pics of the crazy people like the guy with the pink shirt, captain canuck, the troll under the Wheel Bridge who kills drunk univ students when they come home from the bar, or Capt. Big Beard. Lots more too...

Robb you need to come and see the place, make you appreciate Middleton...well maybe not.

Oh and I love the NSCC ads. "I thought the way to go was university" but no NSCC gets all the jobs over Univ students... like at McDonalds... Anyways...later

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Whats New!!!

Well I finished the Dune Prequal Prequal Series (yup a prequal to a prequal). Very good back ground to the world. So what is next, well I've started watching Stargate SG-1 that I haven;t seen since I was in grade 12 (it was season one). I think it will be good but hard to watch 9 seasons in a row. I think the next series I watch will be more of sliders or Highlander.

Battle star Galactica Season 2 just ended and it was one of the best introducing Battlestar Pegasus. Very cool stuff.

Kim will be down for the next 2 weeks on Tuesday for Homecoming. Super busy time at work and too many X rings floating about. I must wear Acadia stuff in defiance. Well perhaps not. I am sure it will become another of Kim' s rules = ) One of my crazy ideas based off the rules of aquisiton from DS9 (which i think only Ryan will figure out).

Until next time keep flying!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Novels of Might

Well another installment. I guess I skipped last week already but with good reason. It was super busy at work with Froshweek. It's kinda weird hearing all the old frosh songs but with different building names then I'm use too. Almost wants to make me go back to school again. Sigh. Anyways onto the Blog.

The topic this week is novels and what I'm reading. At the moment I just finished book 2 of the Legends of Dune prelude. It shows the starting of the House Atreides and the great Jihad against the robots. Very interesting stuff if you liked dune or one of the two movies. (althought the 80's movies is pretty wierd esp with that strange screaming girl). The more recent movie series was excellent.

Other book series I am delving into include the New Jedi order series for Star Wars with the most up to date story set like 25 years after the movies, Chewie's dead and so is Anakin Solo... it was an interesting 20 book storyline meant for a more adult audience . A new book just came out after that series so i must pick it up soon.

A game of thrones series is fantasy at it's best but each book is very long and moves along very quickly and i highly endorse it. Lots of battles, intrigue, and royal houses fighting for the throne. Much better then the highly spoken of Wheel of time series by Jordan which just drags on and on just to get anywhere. i am on book 8 of that series and will finish it just to find out what happens but grudgingly. I guess those are my big 4 novel series at the moment but I have a few more i;d like to start but may not have enough time for them all. I have been intrigued by the Honor Herrington books about space navel battles though. We shall see. any suggestions of good novels or series that you have read?

Sunday, August 28, 2005


So I think sunday will become update Blog day because I rairly seem to do it, and I always have sunday off. That's my hope anyways. so what's my latest interest? Rocketmen the new collectable ship game. This pic is off a few that i've collected, venus battling a mercury fleet. The game is really simple and faily cheap ($6 a pack for 2 ships, rules, dice, playing pieces etc.) but you need a few packs to really play. There is also an online flash video with a few 2 min stories about the game universe here. (click here for link) I think its a cool concept the story like is like 1940-50's pulp scifi with a chessy super hero fighting the bad guys like commander cody and the space martians or captain proton from star trek voyager (yup Uber geek here). As well I just finished my summer off by watching all of the Voyager episodes over the summer, half of which I have never seen. What TV series should I watch next? Highlander, Star Trek the original series, Stargate SG-1. Comment and let me know. I'm guessing robb will say dukes of hazards. Next week's show... Novels and what I've been reading.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Well Well We Meet Again!!!

Well it seems I have a total of three blogs and none I really keep up. I think this will be the main blog because I can do the most stuff with it and anyone can access it.

This pic is from one of my favourite cartoons/toys as a kid, centurions. About 3 heros that could call up to a space station to get equipment beamed down that would attach to them like missiles and jet packs and stuff. One of my better memories is of having the activity book, i'd love to get that again just for memories. But I also had the toy of Ace Macleod the middle guy that i got for christmas when i was like 7. Half tempted to try to buy the toy in original packing on ebay with all the add ons i never got as a kid. oh well if i see it at a yard sale for $1 i'll pick it up.

I guess i will have to post a blog on all the other blogs to redirect ppl here.

Until then, have fun!

Monday, April 11, 2005

A new home

Well I am at a new home... my hard drive died with all my files, maybe i'll eventually be able to salvage something. But with it all my bookmarks, and bookmark to my blog on TVOR.NET, although that was kinda dead and i couldn;t figure it all out. So now I will be able to throw in pictures and stuff with this new page, if i can advertise it to friends. So bare with me... the neg gen of blog is comming.

thanks a bunch

Adragan Firewolf